Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mailers & Postcards

I would recommend getting a copy of Children’s Writers & Illustrators Market (CWIM) and go through and choose a highly focused and selective list of about 40-50 publishers. Choose publishers that publish materials that look like your illustrations or read like your writing. Now, I realize that this is going to take some time to research. Go online and become familiar with the publishers books. Go to the bookstore and look at them in person.

After you have a solid list, design a postcard. If you are an illustrator, showcase some of your work. I would recommend one piece on the cover with your name, email and web address.

On the back, put your name again with a relevant title, like Children’s Book Illustrator, etc. List any books you have illustrated with publishers name and accolades the book has received. List your web address with something like, “to see more work…” go here. If you have an agent, list the agent and maybe their logo and contact info. If you are a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), list that. Often times, editors will give preferential treatment to members over some who is not a member. If you are a member, it just communicates that you are very serious about your work. If you happen to have another small piece of art related to the front piece, or a small portion of it, you might want to add that.

Be diligent in mailing out a postcard 3-4 times per year. Book publishers and editors enjoy getting mail with fun pictures to look at. I’ve heard that if they like your drawing and illustration style, they will pin up your postcard in their office!! That generally means you are staying on the top of their minds as they look for a project to assign you!

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